Farner leadership evolves: Michel Grunder takes over as sole CEO as Pablo Koerfer steps away from day-to-day operations



After 13 years on the agency’s management board, including the establishment and sale of the Rod agency, five years at Farner | Team Farner and almost three years as Co-CEO, Pablo Koerfer has decided to step away from day-to-day operations for private reasons and to take up new challenges. He remains committed to Team Farner as a shareholder and as Chairman of Rod. Co-CEO Michel Grunder will take over the management of Team Farner Switzerland as sole CEO, working in close cooperation with the well-rehearsed management team.

Pablo Koerfer will move on to new challenges, although remains a shareholder

In recent years, Farner | Team Farner has developed into the most integrated agency in Switzer-land. The combination of a high degree of specialisation and co-creation in a wide range of communication disciplines, such as public affairs, corporate communications, marketing communications, branding and digital, has led Farner to the forefront of Swiss communications agencies. This is further enhanced by the proven expertise of our Swiss partner agencies: BlueGlass, YOVEO, jim & jim, SEMSEA and Affective Advisory. Since 2022, the agency has been expanding as a European group under the brand Team Farner, which now has 18 operations in six countries.

“We have achieved a lot: we are the most creative, digital and complete agency in Switzerland”,
explains Pablo Koerfer. Now it is time for him to move on to new challenges. “After highly intense years in leadership positions at the agencies, I have decided to leave Farner. I am looking forward to considering which career paths are still open to me outside the agency world, and also to having more time for my family and for myself.” Koerfer’s decision also reflects his close ties with Farner and Team Farner: Pablo Koerfer will continue to play an active role in the future as shareholder, Chairman of Rod and contact for key clients.

Michel Grunder becomes sole CEO of Team Farner Switzerland

“I regret and respect Pablo’s decision in equal measure”, emphasizes Michel Grunder. “As Co-CEO, I couldn’t have wished for a better colleague and sparring partner, both personally and professionally. As sole CEO, I will continue our work with a very experienced management team and look forward to the future, that we are already planning and shaping in the teams today.” Grunder will be supported in his new leadership role by the Swiss Management Board as well as the international group leadership under the direction of Melanie Faithfull Kent, CEO Team Farner International l Team Farner.

Roman Geiser, Chairman of Team Farner, is responding positively to the change in leadership: “I experience Michel as a visionary leader with a clear view of what is needed, a great openness to diverse opinions and ideas and, above all, a big heart for Farner. With his appointment as CEO, I am particularly proud that he has once again made a conscious decision in favour of Farner and Team Farner. I would like to thank Pablo for his outstanding commitment and his personal, team-oriented leadership style. Working with him has always been inspiring and I am pleased that we will continue to work together in other constellations.”

Pablo Koerfer will continue to serve as Co-CEO working on day-to-day business until his departure to ensure an optimal handover.