How we listen into the hearts and minds of Gen-Z and generate in one afternoon valuable insights for your business

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What does Gen-Z think about your product or service? How and why do they use it (or not)? What does the product have to be or do for them to use it even more? These and many more questions about Gen-Z are currently affecting CMOs in Switzerland like few others.

Much has been said and written in recent years about how Gen-Z differs from previous generations – especially Millennials. Issues such as equality, social justice and environmental protection are central and non-negotiable for them. They are more active politically, have more clearly articulated demands of their environment, of the people and companies in it. And they are not afraid to fight for issues important to them (climate youth, Fridays for Future). At the same time, they communicate and get organized online quickly and in a decentralized way and know how to use expertly the possibilities offered by platforms and channels to promote their concerns and share them with their peers. This baseline also fundamentally changes how companies communicate with Gen-Z and what is necessary to make their services and products appealing to them.

Getting companies closer to the target group
So much for the general theory. Over the past year, we have also been working intensively on the question of how we can tailor strategies and concepts even more closely to Gen-Z. In this field also, our aim is to get “closer”. Closer to our customers. And closer to their target groups. In this case: closer to Gen-Z.

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Part of the brainstorming also involves thinking up four “crazy” ideas in 4 x 60 seconds.

Especially when it comes to strategy development, we don’t want to rely exclusively on the partly theoretical and generalized surveys from market research but generate insights directly from Gen-Z and tailored to your product or service: With our workshops, we listen directly and unfiltered into the hearts and minds of Gen-Z and develop initial ideas together. Depending on the baseline, these can be concrete product or packaging ideas or appealing messages.

Wie wir das tun
With selected techniques and methods from the Design Thinking Toolbox and efficient preparation, we get together for an afternoon with 10 Gen-Z-ers and playfully but purposefully find out what moves Gen-Z about your trade, your market, your topics and your products. We go through different stages of the Design Thinking process with Gen-Z-ers:

  • Empathize: In group discussions and individual conversations we create a common basis for the topic of the workshop
  • Ideate: We generate a lot of crazy ideas based on the needs & wants of Gen-Z-ers, some of them are just crazy enough to go into prototyping 
  • Prototype: Gen-Z-er create in small groups prototypes of their ideas and bring them to life
  • Testing: Testing will not be neglected either. Gen-Z-ers test their prototypes to directly get a first feedback.

The insights we gain from our workshops are action-oriented and working with them is above all: fun. Have we aroused your interest? Let’s talk!