Our Creative Award successes 2024

How do you measure the success of a campaign? Is it by the idea? Based on the interaction of the various marketing competences?  The use of the latest technologies? Or the mix of communication channels? For us at Team Farner, the answer is as simple as it is complex: a little bit of everything. But more than anything, our success is measured by that of our customers. If the communication had the right impact, we provided the right added value.


The Creative Awards are therefore the final flourish of our communication successes. They are the national and international recognition of creative achievement – by the  toughest jury: the world’s most creative minds. We are all the more proud of every single award we receive alongside our clients:

Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, FR
1st Greenpeace: “If you breathe, you need the sea.” // Bronze Cannes Lions in “Film Craft”.

2nd National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making History” // Bronze Cannes Lions in “Sustainable Development Goals”

New York Festivals Advertising Awards, NY, USA
Nominated in 8 categories with
a) National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making history”
b) Greenpeace: “If you breathe, you need the sea.”

National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: Making history // 1x Gold in “Technology for Good”, 1x Gold in “Human Rights”, 1x Bronze in “Effectiveness”, Finalist in “Social/Environmental Good: NGO/PSA”, 1x Grand Award in “Human Rights”

Sabre Awards, EMEA
National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making history” // DACH Finalist

The One Show, NY, USA
National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making History” // Merit in “Public Relations for Good”

World Media Festival, DE
Arosa Tourism “Winter Campaign 24” // 1x Gold in “Cross-Media Campaigns”, Tourism & Travel, 1x Grand Award in “Cross-Media Campaigns”

National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making history” // 1x Gold, 1x Silver, 2x Bronze, winner of the ADCESG Award for Gamechanger

Best of Swiss Web, CH
Arosa Tourism “Winter Campaign 24” // Title: Master of Swiss Web, 1x Gold, 1x Silver
National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making history” // 1x Silver, 2x Bronze
Skyguide “Manage the Sky” // 2x Silver

Effie Switzerland, CH
Seven shortlist nominations (decision open):
National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making history” // 2x
UBS “Kids Cup” // 2x
SRK “Be a Henry!” // 1x
SOS Children’s Village “Ex-Child” // 1x
SBB “Because sometimes life needs more time” // 1x

Most successful web service provider in Switzerland, CH
5-year ranking, Best of Swiss Web

Creative ranking 2023, CH
(M&K/Werbewoche) // 3rd place

11 shortlist nominations (decision open):
National Council election campaign Islam Alijaj: “Making history” // 2x
Arosa Tourism “Winter Campaign 24” // 2x
Greenpeace, “If you breathe, you need the sea.” // 2x
UBS, “UBS Billionaires Report” // 2x
Swisscom, “Say thank you a million times.” // 2x
SBB, “The best job prospects in the world.” // 1x