
Hyand A new brand created by fusion


The fusion of the two companies MT Services and GOD creates one of the leading software developers in Germany. This merger brings together two brands whose corporate culture and market approach differ significantly and thus complement each other perfectly.

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This «Merger of Equals» requires the development of a brand that successfully brings together the employees of both companies, implements the demand for excellence and positions the company successfully in the labor market.

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  • Hyand_Logostory


At the brand strategy level, the vision and mission were defined, and a brand identity was formulated that implements the demand for competence leadership and the innovative spirit both internally and externally.

The new name hyand underlines the company’s demand for quality with a slight wink.

The new brand design conveys hyand’s identity with a visual toolkit that enables multi-layered communication on all channels and in all disciplines in a manner that is both inspiring and effective.

The newly created claim “Code of Change” summarizes the Brand Story, which was also portrayed in a captivating brand film.


  • Hyand_Website