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Cancer League Switzerland RECIPES REWRITTEN: a lost part of life quality back in the life of people affected by cancer


Cancer changes life – and often radically upends the everyday lives of those affected and those around them. In Switzerland alone, 370,000 people are confronted with a cancer diagnosis and its consequences.

As a contact point all about cancer, the Swiss Cancer League places those affected and their relatives at the center of its activities. This mission is to be communicated emotionally.


The culinary experiment “RECIPES rewritten” was born from the fact that 2 out of 3 cancer patients suffer from changes in taste due to the cancer or the therapy. 

Therefore, 3 top chefs (Mitja Birlo, Romain Paillereau, Stéphanie Zosso) adapted their signature recipes so that they taste good again to cancer patients. A touching video was created from the cinematic documentation.

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Various media such as RTS,, La Liberté, Südostschweiz and SonntagsZeitung picked up the highly emotional story (CHF 1.6 million media equivalent value, 7.3 million reach). Public broadcasters provided around 11 minutes of airtime.

Countless cancer patients and their relatives expressed their gratitude for the understanding of their everyday problems and their newfound courage.

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