In the first half of 2019, the Fondation Beyeler organized the unique exhibition “The Young PICASSO – Blue and Pink Period”.
The aim was to promote the exhibition in the target groups: Switzerland, southern Germany and in the regions of France bordering Basel. In addition, tickets could now also be purchased via the website of the Fondation Beyeler.
To attract attention to the exhibition, a quiz with exciting facts about the life of the exceptional artist Pablo Picasso was created together with the Fondation Beyeler, which was advertised via Google Display Ads and Facebook Ads. Participants received the solution to the quiz by e-mail, which also referred to the ticket purchase.
Furthermore, the quiz campaign attracted new newsletter subscribers. Google search ads and remarketing of the quiz participants accompanied the performance campaign.
All through the entire campaign, the ROAS of ticket purchases was of 1272.1%. The quiz was completed by a total of 12’804 people, of whom about 6’000 signed up for the Fondation Beyeler newsletter.